Commercialization of Innovations Training 2024
Prof. Kiplagat Kotut giving his welcoming remarks during the Commercialization of Innovations training held on 22nd May 2024
Dr. Mark Otieno, Director Research & Extension sensitizing members of academic staff on Science,Technology & Innovation (STI) mainstreaming strategy
Members of academic staff following the proceedings of the Commercialisation of Innovations training

Welcome to the Directorate of Research and Extension

The academic staff of the University of Embu are currently engaged in research activities in ten  thematic areas, namely; Agriculture and Food Security, Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Ecology, Education, Organic and applied Chemistry, Energy, Business, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics. Our members of staff continue to actively seek new funding opportunities so as to attract research grants in the university. The members of staff have also published widely with the high impact journals and top publishers in the world.
Dr. Mark Otieno
Director, Research and Extension

Recent Publications

  1. Manyenya, S., Nthiwa, D., Lutta, H. O., Muturi, M., Nyamota, R., Mwatondo, A., Watene, G., Akoko, J.,& Bett, B. (2024). Multiple pathogens co-exposure and associated risk factors among cattle reared in awildlife-livestock interface area in Kenya. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 11:1415423.
  2. Sumba, O. J., Ocharo N. K., & Mugambi, P. J. (2024). Exchange rate and inflation dynamics in Kenya: Does the threshold level matter?. Heliyon, 10(15).
  3. Mwanza, S. S., Mudalungu, C. M., Kimani, N. M., Mokaya, H. O., Ochieng, B. O., Juma, S., & Tanga, C. M. (2024). Nutritional and antioxidant properties of two species of edible scarab beetles (Cetonia aurata and Oryctes rhinoceros). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
  4. Njau, S. N., Parker, T. A., Duitama, J., Gepts, P., & Arunga, E. E. (2024). QTL mapping for pod quality and yield traits in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Frontiers. Plants Science15:1422957.
  5. Mumo, C. K., Muturi, P. W., Gichimu, B. M. (2024). A Modified Climate-Smart Push-Pull Technology for the Management of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in the Semiarid Lands of Kenya. International Journal of Agronomy, 8038142, 1-11.


University of Embu celebrates Dr. Hezron Mogaka's prestigious grant award!

Dr. Hezron Mogaka, a lecturer and researcher at the University of Embu's School of Agriculture, secures a groundbreaking grant totaling KES 31,877,404 from the National Research Fund (NRF). The grant will fund the innovative project "Biochar & Insect-Composed Organic Fertilizers in Kenya (BIO Kenya)" for two years starting in May 2024, showcasing University of Embu's commitment to cutting-edge agricultural research. -Read More


Dr. Dominic Kitavi awarded a travel grant to Taiwan

Dr. Dominic Kitavi, a Senior Lecturer and Chairman of the Mathematics and Statistics Department at the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Embu, has received a ten-week travel grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan and the National Taipei University. Dr. Kitavi's expertise in Science and Technology has caught the attention of the College of Business, National Taipei University, where he will engage in lectures and academic exchange activities from June to September 2024 as a foreign professional. -Read More



Hybrid Rice Research

The hybrid rice research project is established as a special project of the National Research Fund(NRF). The project has been running from July, 2020 and will run upto July, 2023. Our project is dedicated to advanced research and training in rice breeding and biotechnology and advancing knowledge, applying the latest techniques in the following aspects of rice breeding:

1.    Breeding to introgress wide compatibility, drought tolerant and dwarf (sd-1) genes into TGMS to produce a super parent rice for use as female parent in crosses with Basmati 370,
2.    Determining linkages of major genes controlling quality and yield in Basmati370,
3.    Production of super yielding Basmati370 hybrid rice seeds for farmers by crossing it with TGMS super parent varieties,
4.    Determining of compatibility of major TGMS rice varieties in Kenya with Basmati370,
5.    Optimization of Basmati rice anther culture conditions for doubled haploid plants production,

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